10-Step Guide on how to find an apartment in Ottawa

10-step guide on how to find an apartment in Ottawa:

  1. Determine Your Budget: Start by establishing a budget for your rental expenses. Consider your monthly income, financial obligations, and the amount you can comfortably allocate towards rent. Resource: Rent Calculator.
  2. Decide on Your Preferences: Determine your preferred apartment size, number of bedrooms, desired amenities, and location within Ottawa. Consider factors such as proximity to work or school, access to public transportation, and nearby amenities. Resources: Google Maps & OC Transpo
  3. Research Online: Utilize various online platforms to search for available apartments in Ottawa. Visit popular real estate websites, apartment listing portals, and classified ad websites. Filter the search results based on your preferences, such as price range, number of bedrooms, and location. Resources: Rentals.ca & Padmapper.com & Kijiji & Facebook Marketplace
  4. Consider Property Management Companies: Explore reputable property management companies in Ottawa that offer rental properties. Visit their websites or contact them directly to inquire about available apartments that match your criteria. District Realty is one such company that manages a range of properties in Ottawa.
  5. Utilize Social Media: Join local Facebook groups or follow social media accounts that specialize in real estate and rentals in Ottawa. These platforms often have listings posted by landlords or property management companies.
  6. Network and Seek Recommendations: Reach out to friends, family, colleagues, or acquaintances living in Ottawa and ask if they know of any available apartments. They may have leads or recommendations that are not widely advertised.
  7. Visit and Evaluate Apartments: Attend the scheduled viewings and carefully inspect the apartments. Assess the condition, layout, amenities, and overall suitability.
  8. Submit an Application: If you decide to move forward with a particular apartment, complete the rental application provided by the property management company or landlord. Submit the necessary documents, such as proof of income, identification, and references, as requested.
  9. Sign the Lease: If your application is approved, review the finalized lease agreement and sign it. Ensure you understand all the terms and conditions before signing. Pay attention to move-in dates, rent payment methods, and any additional requirements.
  10. Prepare for Move-in: Once the lease is signed, start preparing for your move-in. Coordinate with the property management company or landlord to schedule key collection and discuss any move-in procedures or inspections.

Remember to be proactive, organized, and patient during your apartment search. It’s also advisable to start your search well in advance to allow enough time to find the right apartment that meets your needs and preferences. Good luck with your apartment hunt in Ottawa!